
Laura Pritchett, Workshop Leader

The Art of Place:
A Fiction Workshop

"Our Place is what we are," writes Gary Snyder. "Yet even a 'place' hasa kind of fluidity: it passes through space and time...A place will have been grasslands, then conifers, then beech and elm."

This course will explore the basic elements of setting, examine how setting is effectively achieved, and will consider what various authors (including Barry Lopez, Eudora Welty, Rick Bass, and others) have said about the use of place as a salient feature in writing. It will also consider the importance of fluidity in regard to place-- for example, how to render place in a way that honors its kinetic, rather than static, nature. A related examination will be how exterior landscapes can determine and illuminate the (changing) internal landscapes of characters.

Enrollment Limit: 25
Questions? Contact jdfranck@lamar.colostate.edu