
Blair Oliver, Workshop Leader

Fiction Saturday: The Writer's Craft
Walking the Tightrope from Story-Teller to Reader

We'll begin by stepping out onto the writer's tightrope, that fine line between self-expression and communication. To proceed, we'll practice reading like writers, developing a critical vocabulary and skill-set needed to discuss and understand what stories are, why we should tell them, and how they get told. How and why does the writer make the transition from time-present scene to backstory and flashback? What's the relationship between character and plot? Once we have this support, we'll practice writing scenes, the foundation of all good stories, and examine how various point-of-view choices can affect those scenes and the stories they lead to. Though we may be working without a net, this progression of analysis will see us safely to our destinations.

In the afternoon, we'll read and discuss stories from workshop participants. Those who'd like to submit work for discussion should do so in advance to ensure the best possible feedback.

Enrollment Limit: 18