
Workshop Leader

Mary Crow

Mary CrowMary Crow, Poet Laureate of Colorado, teaches at Colorado State University in the Creative Writing program. In addition to publishing her own poetry, Crow has translated the work of a variety of Latin American poets. Awards include a Poetry Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, A Poetry Fellowship from the Colorado Council on the Arts, and three Fullbright awards. She gave a reading of her poems in Israel in March 2000 and participated in a residency program in the Czech Republic.

Michael Henry, of The Lighthouse Writers Workshop writes of Mary Crow, "Her poetry has a singular, austere form which lends her poems great clarity of vision and depth of emotion. Reviews have described her verse as extended haiku, where the language expresses a sentiment which haunts the reader long after the poem is read and the book closed. One critic says her poems 'celebrate succulence and mystery, ripeness and decay, with a luxuriant, though hushed, sensuousness and wisdom.'"

Publications include: I Have Tasted the Apple, Borders, The Business of Literature (chapbook), Going Home (chapbook), Vertical Poetry: Recent Poems by Roberto Juarroz, From the Country of Nevermore: Poems by Jorge Teillier, Woman Who Has Sprouted Wings: Poems by Contemporary Latin American Women Poets, as well as hundreds of publications of her poems and translations in literary magazines such as American Poetry Review, New Letters, Nimrod, Agni, Ploughshares, Prarie Schooner, Manoa and others.

Additionally, Crow has two books of translation forthcoming in 2002: Engravings Torn from Insomnia: Poems by Olga Orozco, and Homesickness: Selected Poems by Enrique Lihn.