
Gerald Callahan, Workshop Leader

The Human Landscape: Creative
Approaches to Writing the Inner Story

Astronomers have changed the night sky forever. The mythological people and animals still roam there, but now there are black holes, quasars, pulsars, wormholes and the Great Wall as well. Without Carl Sagan, though, we might never have noticed.

Modern biomedicine has changed the landscape of humanity. Being a human being is at once more wonderful and more terrible than we ever imagined. But most of that knowledge is locked up inside of modern scientific journals - secured from the rest of us by its own language, as surely as any iron might have bound it.

In this workshop, we will explore ways of finding these stories in words we can understand. Then we'll follow the paths carved by creative writers and develop new ways to share our human stories with all who may wish to read them.

Email: gnc@colostate.edu
Enrollment Limit: 25